

Our Approach

Living The Dream

Chances are, you started your business because you loved the promise of unlimited income and freedom that being an entrepreneur can provide.

You want to live the true entrepreneur’s dream.

Sadly, not all entrepreneurs experience those fantastic benefits. Rather, they struggle to grow, they continuously fight cash flow battles and they spend more time at work than they ever used to when they had a ‘real’ job.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

With a passion for their work, a clear strategy and an executable plan, almost anyone can be a successful entrepreneur.   If you have the passion, we can help with the rest.

They Don’t Teach You These Things In School

Most of the folks at Dancing Elephants have MBAs and we can tell you, they don’t teach you how to run a business in business school.

However, you don’t have to go to the school of hard knocks to learn the best way to make money, either.

With Dancing Elephants, you’ll learn how to use The One Page Strategic Plan to define the perfect strategy to grow your business. Not only will you be able to earn the kind of living you want but you’ll be able to design the right lifestyle for you as well.

  • Want to earn a healthy six-figure income and be able to see all of your kid’s ballgames? Done.
  • Want to have enough money and free time to travel the world? Done.
  • Want to make enough profit to give back to your community in a meaningful way? Done.

Whatever you want to create with your business, you can. We’d be happy to help create a plan that keeps you and your team focused on the most important things to ensure that you reach all of your goals as fast as possible.

Selling Doesn’t Have To Be Ugly

If you have a strategic plan in place but you’re just not making the money you want, then it is likely that you could use help with your sales and marketing plan.

Our Sales Magnetism process is designed to walk you through each step needed to bring clients to your door. With Sales Magnetism you don’t chase prospects. Rather, you create a position and message in the market that draws the right clients to you.

That means no sleazy sales tricks and no manipulative closing techniques.

All you need is the right combination of target market, target message, marketing delivery methods and questions to ask your prospects and they will not only buy from you, but they will be happy to refer you as well.

If you want to earn more money but don’t want to be an icky salesperson, check out Sales Magnetism.

The Bottom Line

Everything we do at Dancing Elephants is based on integrity and honesty. That means that our programs teach you to work the same way.

If doing well while doing good is important to you, we will get along fine. If you’re focused on making money at any cost, we’ll have to recommend that you look elsewhere.

We love nothing more than watching our clients succeed wildly and live the lives that make them happiest. If we can be a part of your journey, let us know.

If you are a do-it-yourself type (yep, we know you entrepreneurs are like that), take a look at our tools in the side bar to the right.

You’ll find everything from books to videos to complete training programs to get you on your way. If you are new to the Dancing Elephants family, we suggest you begin with The One Page Strategic Plan or The Sales Magnetism Starter Pack.

If you’ve tried the DIY route and want more hands-on help, contact us. We’ll spend time on the phone together (or send some emails back and forth, if you prefer) to figure out the best way to get you where you want to go.